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Watercolor Reflections of an Artist’s Mind and Soul

Mimo Mondal is a 26-year-old and extremely talented painter from Bangladesh, with a particular love of Tbilisi and Georgia. He paints in watercolor, a rarity for Georgians. For him, color matters most, which brings him close to impressionism. However, he qualifies himself an alla prima artist which implies a spontaneous attitude. For those who are interested, Mimo Mondal’s Watercolor Exhibition 2015 is on until February 15 on Tsinamdzghvrishvili Street 25.

It is impossible not to be captivated by the yellow, red, blue, and grey tints. “I use two palettes in order to get the results I want. As one of our Bangladeshi great painters said, art arrives when an artist puts his brush into the watercolor of his own mind.” He is never tired of painting, as this is everything he has – his devotion, work, and main affection of life. In talks with us the young painter admits that he does not sleep, paints every day and his muses never let him down. It is not surprising, though, as Mimo is a very literate person. “I’ve always read books. My parents encouraged it by doing it.” Mimo adds that everyone can feel, but not all of us can convey – this is the main difference between artists and ordinary folks. “At the opening of this expo, 70% were not my acquaintances. It was great!”

He believes that we all have two faces – outer and inner ones. Money does not give happiness – he has seen it in the examples of the rich. Mimo is not very rich, however, he has managed to earn enough money without needing extra thought. Everything began 5 years ago, when he exhibited several pictures about Bangladesh. Now, Mimo is the most well-known contemporary foreign painter of Tbilisi city. “I didn’t know that so many people knew of my existence. I wouldn’t call it success, as at my age it doesn’t come, but a certain appreciation is really there. Once I was returning from Gldani and asked a taxi driver how much I had to pay. “6 Gel” – he said. I was surprised, because I usually paid 10 Gel for the same distance. He replied: “I know you, I saw you on TV.” I didn’t expect it. It happened two times with taxi drivers. Last summer, I was in Racha. To my extreme astonishment, I found out that the whole family somewhere in the remote village knew about me. Oh, my Gosh, it is something! In fact, it is everything I want!”

He is full of love, and love is the main message he sends out. Mimo’s pictures – so fluid and without concrete shape- are the mirrors of his soul: transparent, pure and light, reflecting images of Tbilisi, Rustavi, Mtskheta, Racha, Bangladesh, and winter impressions. It is difficult to be an esthetic person and easily separate from this wonderful atmosphere of calm.

However, talented people are not easily recognized. They are either labelled ‘crazy’ or weird’. Nevertheless, most often, when it comes to madness, the surrounding world has it and only small islands are alive on this sinful earth. Mimo is one of those for sure. This appreciation came to Georgia, however, from his native academy: he was never approved of, being a naughty student. “Now they are inviting me to go and teach there,” he says, smiling.

Mimo Mondal is not a very nostalgic person. “I feel I am a son of the world rather than of one certain country. I will gladly go and work in the US if the chance comes up.” However, as the only child of his parents, he says that next year, without any delay, he will go to Bangladesh. “I feel that I have to smell my homeland again.” Meanwhile, let’s wish him good luck and thank this wonderful person for loving our country so much. The next exhibition of his is planned in March. The theme is as yet a secret.

Maka Lomadze

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